From Default

Years ago, patients were only concerned about getting treated, how and what the treatment works, and what was the route for diagnosis was not a major discussion among patients and physicians. However, times have changed, and the internet plays a major role in this development. Prafiull

Today, patients look for a comprehensive take on diagnosis and want to know more about their treatment procedure. This change has evolved into more open communication between patients and their healthcare professionals.

MyRX is one of the renowned facilities, established in 2009, a private practice by Dr. Sourav Das, a leading neurosurgeon in the nation. The vision of each physician is to deliver excellent healthcare to all people, and MyRX has been helping patients to deal with neurological problems.

One of the important things doctors learn during their career is communicating with patients, which is also known as the bedside manner in layman’s terms.

Effective communication is critical for health care professionals to safeguard patients, save money, and improve day-to-day operational efficiency. In the meanwhile, patients gain more access to their medical records, which minimizes the risk of medical mistakes.

Importance of Open Communication in the Healthcare Sector

When it comes to the importance of open communication in health care, patient safety is one of the most compelling reasons for any health care institution to have an effective communication system. Inadequate communication is a common cause of mortality in hospitals.

While communication problems can have serious repercussions, they are generally simple to resolve, which means that many patient fatalities caused by communication errors might have been avoided. That fact alone is one of the most compelling justifications for the need for communication in patient care.

Every healthcare system includes a variety of communication channels that managers and employees must be educated to use effectively. Patient safety can be jeopardized if any one of these communication mechanisms fails.

Understanding how common communication systems function is the first step toward ensuring that a hospital runs as efficiently as possible, for the advantage of both patients and the institution. To that purpose, here are some of the most popular methods through which hospitals and other healthcare organizations interact and exchange data.

We at MyRX understand communication is not only responsible between patients and healthcare professionals, but also the staff and the family of patients to know what is going on with patients and the type of treatment responsible for them.

As a medical professional, we follow the RESPECT model, which includes:


  • Connect with patients on a social level.
  • Consider the patient's perspective.
  • Make a conscious effort to put your judgement on hold.
  • Make an effort to recognize and avoid forming assumptions.


  • Keep in mind that the patient has come to you for assistance, so be transparent and polite.
  • Investigate and comprehend the patient's reasoning for her actions or condition.
  • Make a conscious effort to put your judgement on hold.
  • Recognize and validate the patient's sentiments verbally.


  • Talk about and try to comprehend the obstacles to care and compliance.
  • Assist the patient in overcoming obstacles.
  • If it's possible, include family members.
  • Assure the patient that you are and will be there to assist them.


  • When it comes to concerns of control, be adaptable.
  • When possible, don’t forget to negotiate.
  • Make it clear that you will be working together to solve medical issues.


  • Check for comprehension often.
  • Make use of strategies for verbal elucidation.

Cultural Competence

  • Respect the patient, her culture, and her religious beliefs.
  • Recognizing those ethnic or cultural preconceptions may color the patient's perception of you.
  • Be conscious of your prejudices and assumptions.
  • Recognize your limitations while dealing with medical difficulties in different cultures.
  • Recognize when your approach isn't working with a certain patient by understanding it.


  • For some patients who are unfamiliar with Western medical practices, self-disclosure may be a challenge.
  • Take the time you need to build trust and work on it intentionally.

Ways MyRX Facilitates Open Communication between Patients and Healthcare Professionals

Restructuring Communication Channels

There are standards to follow when working in healthcare, but when evaluating your present state of communication, don't stop looking for methods to optimize your channels. Communication with patients should be simple and transparent, yet it may rapidly become muddled and difficult.

At MyRx, our objective is to keep your communication secure and confidential. As a result, you may be able to skip certain unneeded procedures that might be confusing or time-consuming to manage. The majority of your communication may take place in one easy, mobile-friendly interface without the need for email.

Encouraging Telecommunication

Pager has been an essential part of the medical healthcare facility. Though they are a good method to get someone to answer your call as soon as possible, they aren't always the best or most practical means to have a two-way discussion.

Because healthcare professionals dislike email, use a mobile team communication app to foster top-down, bottom-up, and peer-to-peer collaboration. This is the reason we believe in having a user-friendly website and application for patients to get all the answers regarding their health concerns.

Prioritizing Traditional Communication

We still value face-to-face communication, even though technology is our best friend. The importance of face-to-face encounters in creating successful communication amongst healthcare workers cannot be overstated.

Mandatory meetings aren't always well received, especially when your employees are already overworked and split too thin between multiple jobs. While you may not be able to remove necessary face-to-face meetings, make the most of the "in-person" time you do have with your team.

Including Patients in Care Management

While employing new health IT technologies to establish channels of communication might lead to better clinical results, physicians must remember the significance of patient happiness during interpersonal interactions. A big element of this is involving the patient in his treatment.

Involving the patient in the care coordination process can go a long way toward empowering them to take charge of their health. Sharing the reasoning for surgery with patients, for example, not only puts them at rest but also helps them feel included in the decision-making process.

Final Words

Patient satisfaction and provider communication will get more challenging as the healthcare industry is drastically changing its technological transformation.

Providers have competing interests between the tremendous prospects presented by health IT and the enduring requirement for true interpersonal interaction. Our goal at MyRX is to figure out how to strike a balance between these in the future, and utilize health technology to encourage various types of human ties.

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